Hacks for Every Hair Type

Certain hair care tips are universal regardless if you have curly hair, thin hair, oily hair, dry hair, or any other type of hair. We can help you tailor your routine to your specific hair type, but the basics of hair care are important to know. We’re sharing our best hair care tips perfect for anyone to try, so keep reading to learn four tips to take better care of your tresses.

  1. Invest in quality products – Cotton pillowcases can absorb your hair’s natural oils and products resulting in unnecessarily harsh treatment for your strands. Try switching to a silk or satin pillowcase to maximize hair shine and minimize damage while you sleep. You often get what you pay for and the saying rings especially true for products. With the professional stuff, a little goes a long way!
  2. Cool it down – Everyone loves how their hair looks after a heated styling session, but excessive heat can really do a number on your hair. Set your curling iron, straightener, and hairdryer on medium so you don’t fry your hair!
  3. Don’t be afraid to ditch the Shampoo – Try using dry shampoo in between washes to preserve natural oils in your hair. In contrast to conditioner, which should be concentrated primarily on the ends of your strands, shampoo should be focused on the scalp
  4. Always keep it professional – You wouldn’t perform home surgery so let a trained hairstylist take care of your hair’s needs. They can even provide recommendations on products and tips for styling that can make all the difference.

A Custom Approach to Hair Care

Getting the vibrant, healthy hair of your dreams is sometimes seen as an impossible task but we’re here to change that perspective with our chic new salon. Whether you’re thinking of changing up your style, starting a new hair care routine or just want to know expert-approved tips for healthy hair, we’ve got you covered from scalp to ends. Book an appointment with one our amazing stylists today!

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